Cost of Delay Investment Calculator

DescriptionInvest NowInvest Later
Lumpsum Starting Age (Years)
Lumpsum Amount (₹)
Expected Returns (%)
Age At Withdrawal
Total Years Invested10 Years5 Years
Total Amount Invested100,000100,000
Final Value of Your Investment259374.25161051.00
Wealth Creation159374.2561051.00
Cost of Delay98323.25

PDCA – Impact of Project Delay Investment – How to Increase the Agenda Value

Use our Cost of Delay Investment Calculator to gauge the chances of an investment or project in case of a delay. By providing cost and opportunity costs of delays, a business, an entrepreneur, or a professional can make an informed decision with this tool.

Why: Cost of Delay Investment Calculator?

This paper documents the qualities of the CoD Investment Calculator used in the analysis.

How Can The Cost of Delay Investment Calculator be Applied?

  1. Enter Key Details: Enter the project value, expected revenue, or the amount to be invested for the particular project.
  2. Set the Delay Duration: Explain how long the delay will take before correction is made either to the damages done or the delivery of the expected result.
  3. Adjust Variables: It can also incorporate factors, such as interest rates, the cost of not investing in other projects, or penalties in case of rejections.
  4. Click ‘Calculate’: View the estimated cost of delay in a matter of seconds.

Who May Find This Calculator Helpful?

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